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Global Beach Sport Football Fun Around The World

 Beach ball is an exciting sport played on sand, combining high fitness and entertainment in a natural environment. This sport is very popular in many coastal countries around the world, where it is played in places such as beaches and resorts.

Definition of the sport

Beach ball is a version of traditional football, but it is played on sand instead of grass. The rules are slightly different from those of regular football. The game is usually played between two teams of 2 to 4 players, where each team seeks to score goals through the other team's net using their feet, heads, and sometimes blocking the ball using the upper parts of the body.

Importance of the sport

One of the benefits of playing beach ball is enhancing physical fitness, as players work to improve their physical strength, flexibility, and speed. The sand provides an additional challenge because it puts additional pressure on the muscles, making the game more difficult than playing on a regular ground.

Basic rules

1. The game: The game usually consists of 3 halves, each halve extending until one of the two teams reaches 7 points. In case of a tie in the halves, the winner is determined by an extra halve.

2. Ball: The ball is slightly lighter than a traditional soccer ball to suit the sand.

3. Gameplay: The ball is played with the feet or head only, hands are not allowed.

4. Field: The field is rectangular in shape on the sand, and its size varies depending on the level of the tournament.

Sports at the professional level

At the professional level, there are international tournaments such as the "Beach Soccer World Championship", which is organized by the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA). In these tournaments, the best teams from around the world compete for the title.


Beach soccer is a fun and challenging sport. It combines entertainment and fitness and attracts players and amateurs alike. If you are a fan of water sports or outdoor activities, this sport may be the perfect choice for you.


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